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Harald Gerzsabek wrote on 04.09.2002 09:44 Email Website :
Hallo Arne! Tut mir leid, das Kurt ausgestiegen ist. Ich hoffe, Ihr habt bald Ersatz für Ihn.Ich habe bis jetzt leider erst Eure Debüt-CD und eine Promo-Version vom Debüt. Möchte aber die Edenbridge-Sammlung gerne komplettieren. Bleibt bitte so melodisch und innovativ! An die ganze Band viel Erfolg auch weiterhin, denn Euer Zenit ist - glaube ich - noch lange nicht erreicht. Ich schätze, es wird alle Erwartungen übertreffen! Harald


Victor Montalvão (HeavenFalls wrote on 04.09.2002 06:39 Email Website :
Hi EdenBridge
I'm Fan from Brazil . . .
Congratulations for the exceptional work

I hope someday we can play together. . . See ya!

Victor Montalvão


Douglas Rafael Pereira wrote on 03.09.2002 16:40 Email :
I am Brazilian and gostoi a lot of the new album, the arcane, an exelente album and with beautiful compositions, I hope when they come for brasil they have a great show and that have a lot of success! ! ! ! ! ! and kisses for sabine!!!!!



martijn wrote on 03.09.2002 09:34 Email Website :
Finally, I've had the chance to see you playing. Thanks for your perpormance in Heavy's! I enjoyed it, despite it wasn't crowded at all in the audience and the sound in the small venue was bad.


Michael Dalakos wrote on 01.09.2002 12:39 Email Website :
Hail! Read an incredible interview with the band at my page!


Nic wrote on 31.08.2002 21:24 Email Website :
edenbridge´s music is so good. I love your arcana-album..hope to see you..maybe in germany.
visit my homepage for tourdates, used cd´s, new releases, chat, rockradio and more!


mark wrote on 29.08.2002 18:07 Email :
Love your music and the lady is beautiful!


André wrote on 29.08.2002 01:41 Email :
Thank you!! I hope you really come to Belo Horizonte when you get here in Brazil.
Thank you once more!!!


el camino wrote on 27.08.2002 15:45 Email Website :
new upcoming thrash metal band from Belgium



Rodrigo Rossi (SeventhKiller) wrote on 27.08.2002 02:50 Email :
Hello !!! congratulation Edenbrigde , its really very great. i´m waiting for the band here in brazil (saint paul - são paulo ) , see ya !!! any fans contact me icq - 83015904 - =]
Brasil a minha patria !!!!


Federico Perriconi wrote on 26.08.2002 20:30 Email :
Edenbridge rules the world!
Best wishes and see yaa soon in Brazil.


AKIRA wrote on 26.08.2002 08:53 Email Website :

I greet from Japan.

Your music is very beautiful. And it is wonderful.I am looking forward to the following work.And I am always aiding you.


Bruna Moreno wrote on 26.08.2002 03:45 Email :
I'm brazilian and I want to talk that I like very much Edenbridge, and I'm waiting for them here in Brazil!
My ICQ number is: 152505495 and I like to talk with others fans!

(PS: I don't speak english very much :-D)


iclal erkan wrote on 25.08.2002 08:42 Email :
I'm 21 years old.I work with your father in Turkey in Samsun.And I like your group very much.And good luck in the future.Lots of hugs!!!!!!!!


nicegel wrote on 22.08.2002 10:15 Email :
Hi .
my name is eunKeun!
i am from south korea.
I speak english a little but i hope you read my message.
I just listen to your music..
i very moved and feel awesome..
now I am your mania!!

thans for great music!!


Matthia wrote on 20.08.2002 21:39 Email :
Wunderschöne Musik, die die Seele berührt! Würde mich sehr interessieren, ob es etwas gibt, an das ihr glaubt. An Gott, an euch selbst, an Nirvana...?


Luis Duarte wrote on 20.08.2002 09:49 Email :
Guitarrista (RJ) procura banda (vocal feminino) ou músicos pra formar banda com influências de Edenbridge, Nightwish, Tristania, Era, After Forever, etc. Não me interesso por banda cover!
Edenbridge, CONGRATULATIONS for Arcana! =)


Luciano "krieger" wrote on 19.08.2002 14:37 Email Website :
I want to invite everybody to visit the SOUNDS OF BATTLE web site, with a lot of news, EDENBRIDGE Interview, releases and more. Danke !


lisabbath wrote on 19.08.2002 06:10 Email Website :
cool!!! =D


Martin wrote on 19.08.2002 03:50 Email :
Seas Edenbridscher!
Speziell Andi!

Die site ist immer wieder nett anzusehen! Ich wollt wissen ob man die Fanartikel nur uebers Netz bestellen kann oder auch so wo kaufen?

cu Martin
