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Igor Aguiar wrote on 30.10.2003 04:33 :
Eu sou brasileiro e sou um fã eterno do Edenbridge e eu desejo
sucesso profissional e pessoal a todos os membros desta fantástica banda!


Paulina wrote on 24.10.2003 23:24 Email :
Nice music guys. The voice of sabine simple wonderfull. And Chile , when will be in your tourdates. A lot of fans are waiting for EDENBRIDGE. I love you Lanvall.


ingo wrote on 24.10.2003 10:28 Email Website : – Konzertveranstaltungen

25.10.2003 Coburg – JUZ
The dawn of flames
millbrook rockers
foot mushroom

Eintritt: 5 €

07.11.2003 Coburg – GAG
Back from the Grave
Noise Forest
Maggot Shoes

VVK: 6 Euro
AK: 8 Euro
Vorverkaufsstellen siehe

20.12.2003 Coburg – GAG
X-Mas Metal Meeting III
Noise Forest
Sadistic Blood Massacre

VVK: 7 Euro
AK: 8 Euro
Vorverkauf beginnt am 7.11
VVK stellen siehe

14.02.2004 Coburg - GAG
Open the Gates of Hell II
Mystic Circle
+ Supports


Tony Soares wrote on 24.10.2003 09:33 Email :
Boas para todos voçês.
Sou português e por isso, espero que consigam desifrar o português.
Venho por este meio felicitar o vosso trabalho que é de facto espetacular e bem conseguido. Por isso continuem assim.
e para quando um concerto em Portugal? Estou à espera de assistir a uma actuação dos EDENBRIDGE.
Para voçês todos parabéns e que a noite vos acompanhe sempre.


Desiree wrote on 19.10.2003 09:58 Email Website :
So, ich bin auch mal wieder hier :-)
Die Fotos vom Summer Breeze sind echt schön gworden!
Joa, hoffe ihr kommt bald mal wieder hier in die Gegend (Z-7 oder so)!
So, stay on metal! Cheers, Desiree


Aurelia wrote on 17.10.2003 16:32 Email :
Hi~ !!

I am from Spain and I LOVE this group!! Please schedule more concerts... I wasn't able to go to the one in Barcelona!! *sigh*
I wish you all much luck and success in the future!! Sabine you're the best!! Keep on the good music!! :D


sandra.lan wrote on 16.10.2003 11:55 Email :
hi~ i'm from China,what a wonderful band,o o o o o ~~~~~~~~


Ariadna LadyOfWinterSnow wrote on 14.10.2003 16:50 Email :
Greetings from Argentina!!! I really enjoy your music, yesterday I got your latest cd and I really love it...are you ever gonna come to our country? I would love to see you live!!! Well hope to hear more of your music, you are all excellent musicians....
Up the ironssss ;););););)


Andy wrote on 09.10.2003 20:03 :
hallo an alle...muß auf diesen wege mal los werden,das sich jeder bemühen sollte wenn dies noch nicht geschehen ist,die band live anzusehen bzw zu hören,habe selten so eine wunderbare stimme und dazu so eine sauber gespielte musik gehört,sollte sich jeder der die gelegenheit hat rein ziehen...schon allein sabine wird jeden


Incubus wrote on 08.10.2003 14:37 Email Website :
Jo!! Moin an alle!! Bin hier zufällig gelandet und muss schon sagen, dass die Seite nen Lob verdient hat!!

Bin auch gerade am basteln für meine Seite!
Ach ja, hab neulich eine coole Seite gefunden, wo man UMSONST und ohne ANMELDUNG SMS schreiben kann, in alle Netze und bis zu 3 SMS pro Stunde!!!
Einfach auf: gehen und da dann auf SMS!

So long,
- Incubus

PS: Ich sag bescheit, wenn meine Page fertig ist *g*


Matze wrote on 07.10.2003 23:29 Email :
HI Edenbridge you are damit great. Sabine you are the beautiest girl in the world.
wish you a lot of success

greetz Matze


Leandro A.Garcia wrote on 03.10.2003 18:22 Email :
quisiera mas informacion sobre
sabine y edenbridge


Now And Then wrote on 02.10.2003 16:03 :
NOW AND THEN News October 2nd 2003

Next Monday sees the European release of the second part of Gary Hughes` epic rock opera.
This CD, the concluding chapter of the story, brings in several new characters, namely -

DC COOPER (Royal Hunt/Silent Force) as King Aelle
SABINE EDELSBACHER (Edenbridge) as Nimue
DOUGIE WHITE (Rainbow/Malmsteen/Cornerstone) as Mordred
HARRY HESS (Harem Scarem) as the Epilogue Narrator

as well as including tracks from Lana Lane, Irene Jansen, Bob Catley, Sean Harris
and Gary himself.

Once again an exclusive commissioned piece of art was provided by world-renowned fantasy artist, Chris Achilleos, adding to the already high level of quality throughout the project.

Part 1 of "Once And Future King" has already outperformed all expectations. Part 2 looks to continue that success. Reviews include -

"Once And Future King - Part 2 is the closing half of the King Arthur story, yet it has it's very own vibe that sees it capable of standing on it's own. It also offers up some of the most challenging songs of Hughes's career and is another milestone in his song-writing legacy.
The release of Part 2 will ensure the story can be played as intended - both albums back to back. It's rare to be able to listen to 22 tracks in one hit, but the quality of the performances and the instantly likeable melodies compels one to just keep listening as the story is played out through some incredible songs." 93%

"Bottom line, OAFK is more progressive rock and metal than any previous work of Hughes. I enjoyed this perhaps more than any of the latest releases by TEN. Think big, progressive, clash of armour, and everything else that goes with an epic medieval drama. Still very melodic though... of course." 8/10

"Great songs, great production and a cast of some of the best voices in the business, all combine to produce a masterpiece of melodic hard rock." 90/100 Metal Reviews

"The more varied and adventurous of the two albums, 'Once And Future King (Part II)' sees Gary Hughes' song writing talents taken to new extremes by the most bold and challenging set of tunes he's penned to date. Again, the melodies are superb, the delivery faultless. In every respect the equal of its predecessor, some aspects are even better this time around - Essential!" Dave Cockett, Destiny website

Part 2 has already spent it's first two weeks of release in Japan nestled in the top 15 of the Heavy Metal sales chart, indeed Part 1 has re-entered into the top 40 despite already spending the best part of 2 months in there upon it's release.

Soundbytes of all the tracks on "Once And Future King" parts 1 and 2 can be found on the Now And Then website and both titles can be ordered directly for £10 each, inc P&P, payable to Mark Ashton, from 208 Wigan Road, Ashton in Makerfield, Wigan, Lancs, WN4 9SX.

For updates / further info check out the Now & Then website at, email us at or ring us
on 01942 513298.

Or join the email news list for latest updates.

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click on this link:

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Taina wrote on 30.09.2003 19:12 :
Hi I am a woman from Finland.
The voice of Sabine is amazing...


Booris wrote on 30.09.2003 13:01 Email :
Hi!Wollt euch mal lieb Grüßen und euch beGLÜCKWÜNSCHEN zu dem echt Starken Album"Aphelion"!Hab mir das album nach euerm Auftritt in Heidelberg,superkonzi von euch,gekauft u.seitdem bstimmt scho 20 mal angehört.Meine Liebl.songs sind"The Undiscovered Land"Skyward"Perennial Dreams"As Far as Eyes can See"Deadend Fire"und "Red Ball in the Sky!!Macht weiter so!Würd mich ja mal sehr intressirn wie ihr auf"Aphelion"gekommen seit?Kommt ihr mal wieder hier in die nähe Heidelbergs?Konntet ihr euch die Stadt damals etwas ansehn?Wie fandet ihr das Schloß?Also,wenn euer näxtes album au wieder so Geil is dann trete ich gerne in euern FanClub ein!Viele Grüsse!Euer Bo!


Comixozo wrote on 23.09.2003 21:46 Email :
I like aphelion ok? =)
ei gostei muinto do cêdê aféliom, óquei?

i'll be waiting for a new cd


mosquitokillah wrote on 22.09.2003 21:50 Email Website :
Night of Destruction 03
04 Okt im KPÖ-Heim Kapfenberg
Dark Fall
Eintritt: 5 EURO
Einlass: 17:00 --- Beginn: 18:00


David wrote on 18.09.2003 19:14 :
"Aphelion" is a great album, but nothing tops
"Sunrise in Eden". It is simply the best album that ever has seen the charts. The fourth album, I think, should be more like it. Sweden


Federico Perriconi wrote on 18.09.2003 18:12 Email :
Fly ,fly ,fly and touch the sky Edenbridge! ,with your wings flying in the sky and your wonderfull music.
All the best to all my friends
and specially my best friend Sabine(dankensen!)


Big_Jdk wrote on 18.09.2003 17:04 Email :
Hello Edenbridge / fans!!

In my oppinion Edenbridge is the best band ever in the Symphonic Metal genre... Way to go guys and Sabine!
