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Jörg Frank wrote on 20.01.2008 10:19 from Dornstetten Email :
Moin , Moin ! Liebe Metal´ Grüße an alle , lieben Fan´s von : EDENBRIDGE , sowie an meinen lieben Bruder : Metal´ Ralf aus Hamburg ! Edenbridge , hier seit spitze ! Macht weiter so ! razz Gruß´ Euer großer Fan : Rock , Metal´ Jörg´ [img]


Carsten Kaufer wrote on 10.01.2008 12:02 from Bayern Email :
Ich freue mich, und bin gespannt zu gleich, Euch am 2.5.08 in Aschaffenburg live zu erleben!


Susanne wrote on 06.01.2008 06:17 from Sweden Email Website :
Hello! I just found you! I´m not dissapointed! Sabine, you have a very plesant voice. Looking forward to see and hear you in Västerås... if I can get a ticket exclaim


Dany wrote on 05.01.2008 19:19 from Mexican Email Website :
Hello Guys! Just wanted to say I just discover you [Yeah thst sucks LOL] i heard Sbine in Beto Vazquez Infinity, and well looking at Tarja Turunen is one of my fav voices and am a HUGE FAN OF NIGHTWISH I LOVED YOUR WORK!!!!!!!!!!...I heard a ouple pf songs and BRAVO!!!!! count me on you FANS LIST! Congrats, nd hope you can come to Mexico Soon...I'd be nice to see you live! cool Many hugs Dany xoxox wink


Jack wrote on 03.01.2008 10:28 from Native American Email :
Happy New Year! I'm a new fan, sorry it took so long, but I just have to say.. I love you guys, your music so beyond any meager description I could write. Simply amazing. Thanks for the music, "Shine" brings tears, it's so beautiful. Please consider visiting us in the US, we would be honored.


Thiago Augusto wrote on 28.12.2007 13:09 Email :
Hi Edenbridge,the brazilian fans to be crazy for show of you.see you later


Christopher Peter Brown wrote on 26.12.2007 05:09 Email :
It would be wonderful to see you in the NORTH of England again, there are quite a few people up here who love your music and missed you with Adastreia at Rios in Bradford. I look forward to your new CD, but would like even more to see you live again, London is just too far to travel. Chris


Loser wrote on 24.12.2007 02:20 from Duisburg :
Ich wünsche Euch und Euren Familien ein frohes und besinnliches Weihnachtsfest


Max wrote on 20.12.2007 14:33 :
Danke für die familiäre Aufnahme! Danke Mum & Dad! Max! twistevil


Amy T. wrote on 18.12.2007 20:46 from Mexico :
Hi ... what can i say... my English is so bad... crying The band is good, the first song that i listen was Shine. I hope that they come to Mexico. smile


Jacomo wrote on 15.12.2007 16:22 from Native American Email Website :
I love you guys, such inspiring beautiful music. Any plans on a US tour? Would love to see your show. cool


A. wrote on 09.12.2007 15:16 from Deutschland :
Hallo ihr! Was macht denn eure Gitarristen-Suche?


Géssica wrote on 29.11.2007 14:53 from Brasil Email :
Hi, Edenbridge! Come to Brasil! :PP Kisses!


Alejandro wrote on 16.11.2007 18:49 from Argentina Email :
Hello.... hace años que los escucho y a decir verdad tengo muchas bandas preferidas y puedo decir que las voz de Sabine es realmente preciosa, Lanvall tu eres un gran musico. jamas me canso de escuhcarlos, si aqui en Argentina hay muchos fans que quieren verlos tocar. Sabine your voice is really beautifull..... desde Buenos Aires te enviamos un gran saludo y te estamos esperando... Edenbridge son lo mejor... sigan por muchos años mas. Ale


Brandon Gagne wrote on 13.11.2007 17:36 from Miami Springs Email :
I love Edenbridge! Your sound is so awesome! Come tour North America and come to the Culture Room in Fort Lauderdale! (If you're going to feature a band, please make it a good band!)


Adryan wrote on 06.11.2007 15:42 from Argentina Email :
HI, i'm glad to know your music. Few weeks ago, a friend made me hear this songs and I realy realy like it. Thanks for the art. Argentina listen to you


Steelworker wrote on 06.11.2007 13:24 from Franken Website :
Hi Leute, die Vorbereitungen für das AGAINST THE SILENCE 2008 sind angelaufen. Die Heavy Metal Veranstaltung finden in der Dettelbacher Frankenhalle (Arena) statt. BANDS die sich berufen fühlen, auf dem Festival zu spielen, können sich ab sofort über das Bewerbungsformular auf unserer Homepage melden. Bewerbungen werden nur über das Formular bis zum 24.12.2007 angenommen! Metal Rulez Pyrolyse Against The Silence - Homepage Pyrolyse Homepage http://


Tereza wrote on 06.11.2007 11:13 :
helloooo:) I´ve listened this music for 1 month and i can say, that this band is GREAT!!! twistevil I adore their music,singin,-everything! Thx by exist laughing


Julian wrote on 02.11.2007 10:46 from Madrid (Spain) Email :
Thx a lot for this music of the heart.


michael manges wrote on 02.11.2007 08:34 from u.s. a. Email :
great music
