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risingorion wrote on 11.08.2002 16:04 Email :
I need Edenbridge tabs for guitar !!!!!!
If you have it, please e-mail me ....


Mattias wrote on 10.08.2002 22:10 Email :
u guys (and girl) are really great i hope u will come to sweden and play some time. keep up the good work!



João wrote on 08.08.2002 19:39 Email Website :
Não vejo a hora que vcs cheguem à São Paulo, o show vai ser muito isso ae......hehehhee.... nem sei falar ingles....huahuahua..... falows.... Um Abraço!!!!


Martin Radermacher wrote on 08.08.2002 14:34 Email :
Hei Lanvall!!Ihr habt ne absolut klasse Hompage. Doch noch besser finde ich das du auch Dream Theater hörst! MFG Martin


Eduardo Costanzo / BRAZIL wrote on 08.08.2002 06:50 Email :
Hi guys from Edenbridge. I'm from Porto Alegre / Brazil. I know that the band will come to my country in october to do a show in São Paulo together with Metalium, and I really hope you come to Porto Alegre too. I'm a new Edenbridge listener but the band is awesome, I really like. Hope you come to my city, see ya.


tamir wrote on 06.08.2002 19:25 Email :
My name is Tamir and i am from israel.
I like your music alot, your music is great.
I hope you will sucssed in the future becuse you desroved it.
I am telling to my friends about you.
If you read my letter please answer me back.

Thank you


Mireille wrote on 05.08.2002 16:27 Email Website :
Hey Edenbridge!

Your music sertainly kicks ass!!
Greetings from Holland.


kim wrote on 04.08.2002 20:59 Email :
hello again!! we've just arrived at Korea! Heartly thank all members of you for great food,comfortable bed and impressive rehearsal
I'll be the first buyer of your new CD in Korea
thank you again,Sabine for food(that was really great^^),Ranvall for nice music(Korea may get to love your music),
two Andys for kindness(has your site been closed? i can't acess)Rolland for seeing off(you're so nice guy!!) SEE YOU AT SECOND CONCERT IN KOREA^^!!


Ruby wrote on 04.08.2002 05:42 Email :
really good...


David wrote on 01.08.2002 20:34 Email Website :
Hallo ihr netten menschen! :)
ich habe heute eure autogramme bekommen! es hat mich vom hocker gerissen... und es war sogar ein mini-schnuffie-tuffie-knuffie zettel-briefchen von Sabinchen dabei

macht weiter soooooo
euer david!


marilena wrote on 30.07.2002 18:15 Email :
hi, I'm italian and you are fantastic!!!!


Carin wrote on 26.07.2002 19:07 Email Website :
Hello Edenbridge!!

I hope someone can help me because I read that you come to Holland 10-8 at Dokk´em open air but I dont where at Holland that is, I live in Holland and I have search for the place where you play, so please can someone tell me where you play????!!!
hope to hear from you.
Greetings Carin


Galiana wrote on 26.07.2002 10:01 Email :
Bin über nen amerikanischen E-Mail-Freund auf euch aufmerksam geworden und ich muss euch ein Kompliment machen...ihr macht klasse Musik...macht weiter so!!!

Liebe Grüße aus Kassel


Klaus R. wrote on 23.07.2002 17:32 Email :
Ihr macht nen geilen Sound. Ich bin normalerweise Speed Metal Fan, aber ihr habt es echt volle Lutsche drauf. Das Madel singt wie ein Engel. Weiter so. Viele Grüße aus dem Ruhrgebiet sendet euch ein alter Hard Rocker.......


Michi wrote on 23.07.2002 10:35 Email Website :
Find es echt klasse mit euch am 21.August auf der Warm-Up-Party im Heavy´s Wasseralfingen zusammen mit meiner band COLDSPELL spielen zu dürfen!!!
Bis Dann Gruß Michi


Augustin wrote on 22.07.2002 14:35 Email :
Großartig zu wissen, Edenbridge kommt nach Brasilien!! Sind viele Fans hier, die sich darauf schon ungeheuer sehr freuen! Wir sehen uns also im Oktober!! Bis dann!!


Przemek wrote on 20.07.2002 15:44 Email :
When You play in Poland:)


Flavio Black wrote on 19.07.2002 21:52 Email :
Alô para todos os cobaias que curtem Edenbridge e Música Medieval e Melódica...
Hello for all lovers of Medieval and Melodic Metal... Kisses...


ihlanger wrote on 19.07.2002 16:08 Email :
Nice site, wonderful lyrics!!
good start!!!
Only one thing missing: a newsletter!!!
Greetings from UK!!


Dong Jin, Kim wrote on 17.07.2002 20:31 Email Website :
Hi~ Edenbridge~
Remember Me?

I'm Drummer Kim in S,Korea
i sometimes mail roland.
i wonder other members how are you all doing?

our band finally made homepage. it's not perfect but not bad.
we have english board so you can write us in english^^
the site is
and you can easily find englishboard. just click BBS
And you can find out eng board. As soon as finishing our demo song I will send it..
have good day and i will visit here again^_^

dreaming Renaissance of Korean Rock..!!
