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Karin wrote on 21.02.2009 13:19 from Krems, Österreich Email Website :
Würde mich freuen, Euch mal wiueder live in Österreich - zB in Wien zu hören!? Die Szene Wien wäre mal ein netter Ort für einen Gig laughing LG Eure Karin von Blue Light Warning


doris wrote on 13.02.2009 09:06 from berlin Email Website :
Ich finde den Aufbau der Seite sehr gut. Macht weiter so.


Romanov Dynasty wrote on 25.01.2009 01:36 Email :
Can't wait for the new live album, and, would you please tour the U.S.? Many fans of this symphonic metal in Tampa/St. Petersburg Florida.


Jonas wrote on 22.01.2009 09:10 from Germany Email :
Hey, ich weiß nicht wie ich es ausdrücken soll...aber IHR FÜHRT HAUSHOCH beim best Album 2008 razz Is das nicht cool? cool Viele Grüße Jonas


Carlos wrote on 21.01.2009 07:45 from Spain (Soria) Email :
When im listening to your music i feel like if i were flying across the sky, every song is a masterpiece that sends you to a mistic place plenty of good felings. From Spain i wish to Edenbridge the best luck and succes for the future P.D. The power of Sabine´s voice rememberme the epic songs of Queen.


boyet wrote on 21.01.2009 07:07 from philippines Email :
hi there! i reall really love your music. you really sound great. i hope you could come up with more great music. More power! and by the way keep rockin'! razz


boyet wrote on 21.01.2009 07:05 from philippines Email :
hi there! i reall really love your music. you really sound great. i hope you could come up with great music. More power! and by the way keep rockin'! razz


Mark wrote on 01.01.2009 19:43 from California Email :
Cain was a miner, Gold, Amber, Beryllium. Don't you remember? All it is - a ring And some few words. But the mirror Doesn't give up easily.


Crosswords wrote on 01.01.2009 19:33 from Portugal :
You guys rock! Greets from Portugal =)


John wrote on 23.12.2008 09:54 :
X-mas greetings to Oslo Politi in Norway.


Antony Arnould wrote on 21.12.2008 15:33 Email :
Helloo Edenbridge, You Are The Best Band of the Eternity!!!!! cool Best New album, and best new's song's!!!!! razz I Love your new Song "Remember Me"!!!!, my favorite song of the New album veryhappy Tanks You so Mutch for your Performance, Musicality, Sympathic and Happiness laughing Best Very Merry Chrismas And Good Happy New Year 2009!!!!!! smile Peace and Love For You !!!!!! Best continuation for Futures and Long Life For Futures Projects :) Kiss And Best Regards ;) Antony Arnould, One Fan Form Belgium Supporting Edenbridge :)


Gessica wrote on 08.12.2008 15:58 from Brasil Email :
Hi, Edenbridge! Come to Brasil, please!!! razz


John wrote on 27.11.2008 12:02 Website :
Fine homepage. Politi Snuten has been on a visit. Take care.


Ross wrote on 25.11.2008 19:18 from Tampa , Florida Email :
I just recently started listening to Edenbridge. To say you're good is an understatement. Sabine has an amazing voice which is proven on the song Centennial Legend. Lanvall , Max and company more than hold their own as well. Hopefully you'll tour in Florida .


Adriano wrote on 23.11.2008 17:46 from Argentina Email Website :
Hi..! I started listening to ur music quite recently but i just love it.... come to argentina someday ^^ Bloody kisses!


Karin Theresa wrote on 18.11.2008 11:34 from Mühlviertel Email Website :
hallo sabine, hallo edenbridge, ich habe lange nichts von dir gehört, um so schöner finde ich es, dass ich den newsletter der band wieder erhalten habe und sehe, dass sich hier viel verändert hat. ich freue mich sehr, dass euer erfolg so groß ist und naja vielleicht komme ich ja wieder einmal zu einem euer gigs. ;) alles liebe, karin theresa


Helios wrote on 25.10.2008 15:41 from Czech republic Email Website :
Hi, your band is a gem of Metal. I love your magnificent music. The new album is amazing as well as all your albums you have released till now. You are one of my favourite bands and it will never changed. Good luck.


Jan wrote on 21.10.2008 21:01 from Oud Beijerland, Netherlands Email :
Hi people of Edenbridge, we enjoyed the show in the Rock Temple (Kerkrade) last Sunday very much. Hope to see you in the Netherlands again!


Loek wrote on 21.10.2008 20:06 Email :
heyyy i loved you guys last sunday in holland. too bad there werent a lot of people, but i hope you had fun anyways. it really shows that you guys are having the best time when you're on stage(especially frank :D), i really enjoyed watching and listening^^


Miguel Ramirez wrote on 17.10.2008 00:01 from Chile Email Website :
Participe through the Chilean Mundo Rock site and vote for us as “Best Metal Album 2008”, just you must to give your vote entering to this site and then leave a message with your e-mail in the guestbook and ready. The winners will be known 01st of January, 2009.” Thank you very much for your collaboration ¡¡¡¡ NOMINATED ARE: • GUN BARREL "Outlaw Invasion" • METALLICA "Death Magnetic" • JUDAS PRIEST "Nostradamus" • CUSTARD "Forces Remain" • DULCAMARA "Anatomicamente Imperfecto" • BOOMERANG "Sounds of Sirens" • BASSINVADERS "Hellbassbeaters" • CLOUSCAPE "Global Drama" • THE MYSTERY "Soulcatcher" • MINDWARP CHAMBER "Delusional Reality" • DANTESCO "Pagano" • BATTLEROAR "Of Death and Beyond" • TESTAMENT "The Formation of Damnation" • EDENBRIDGE "My Earth Dream" • MANILLA ROAD "Voyager" • Otro / Another (envialo a - send it to )
